City of Culture

Project Details

For EC1 Łódź – the City of Culture we prepared an integrated system for the management and operation of the local Science and Technology Center. A comprehensive, modular portal consisting of 5 websites supports visitors to the facility, as well as the administrators and employees of the complex.




Lodz, Poland



Facility Description

EC1 Łódź – the City of Culture is a cultural institution with its seat located in the first Łódź Power Plant, co-managed by the City of Łódź and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The complex serves cultural, creative and educational functions – it is an open space for the fans of science, art and culture.
The institution is composed of the following units: EC1 Center of Science and Technology, EC1 Planetarium, the National Centre for Film Culture, Łódź Film Commission and the Centre of Comics and Interactive Narration.

Project Scope

The base of the entire management portal is an ecosystem of individual portals. As part of the project, we have developed a set of websites – dedicated and adapted to the needs of each of the facilities of the EC1 complex: 1. EC1 – The City of Culture
2. Planetarium
3. Science and Technology Centre
4. National Centre for Film Culture
5. Łódź Film Commission

When creating the portals, we focused on modular architecture, which allows easy development and integration with other systems. The graphic design we prepared subtly emphasizes the individual character of each unit, under the common denominator of the visual identity of the whole organization. As part of the comprehensive management system, we developed additional elements:

A “Visitor” module – this component, designed to facilitate the planning of sightseeing routes, is built on the basis of a 3D map of our own design. Visualization of the building of the Science and Technology Center was created on the basis of the building plans and photos we made beforehand. The module is fully integrated with the visit booking system, so visitors (after logging in) have access to the most important features of the portal (including: itinerary, ticket purchase, events calendar).

An “Employee” module – a comprehensive HR tool. The module enables the administrator to organize the work of the complex’s personnel – from the stage of recruitment, to delegation of tasks and to the monitoring and recording of working time.
Full integration of the management portal with subordinate systems, as well as with new modules, allows the administrator to effectively control and automate business processes taking place in the whole complex.

Technologies We Used

Content management system (CMS) supported by dedicated software in PHP