The Fishing Village Treasure House

Project Details

In cooperation with the Fishing Village Treasure House, we prepared a multimedia scenery set of 7 interactive stands. The scope of the project included, in particular, applications for touch screens, a virtual dressing room, and the so-called Magic Wall. In addition to software development, we have also prepared the complete content of the multimedia application.


Baltic Sea Ecology


Chlopy, Poland


Interactive & 3D display

Facility Description

The Fishing Village Treasure House is a newly built facility in Chłopy, combining museum and educational functions. Local memorabilia, mostly related to fishing traditions, are collected in the building. The multimedia part of the exhibition is dedicated to the Baltic Sea, ecology, marine environment, and tourism.

Project Scope

For the project, we developed a set of multimedia applications for 7 stands – including applications for touch screens and systems dedicated to the youngest audiences, allowing them to solve virtual puzzles. The multimedia software forms a single narrative along the exhibition – visually and interactively representing the environment of the Baltic Sea, as well as the rich culture of the region.

Within the project we implemented the following elements:
• The Magic Wall – an interactive wall, depicting the components of the seaside environment (plants, animals, waves, winds).
• The Dressing Room – a virtual dressing room that uses Kinect technology. The site allows visitors to get acquainted with traditional fishing costumes and historical swimsuits.

• The Baltic Sea Model – a touch-based application made for the model of the Baltic Sea (operating as a lit-up table). Everything was synchronized with light and sound.
• “Haul Out the Rope” – a simulation that allows users to haul a virtual fish. The application is synchronized with a mechanical winch.
• “Tilting of the fishing boat” – a multimedia projection (animation) combined with the engines on a model of a fishing boat. Three levels of sea waves are available, each one with an animation adjusted to the fishing boat movement.
The scope of the project included not only software development but also the creation of full-fledged content for applications as well as comprehensive selection of information on the Baltic Sea and its most important components.

As part of the content work, we further developed:
• videos – production of video materials with the participation of the long-term residents of Chłopy and Mielno, storytelling about the history of the region, tourists and the changes that took place in their environment over the years,
• educational quizzes – preparation of engaging quizzes for kids’ application that would test their knowledge about the region.

Technologies We Used

    • Unity 3D applications
    • Kinect