House of Nicolaus Copernicus

Project Details

For the modern exhibition in the House of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun, we have prepared a set of multimedia that interactively present the history of space and timeless discoveries. We have built over 30 interactive applications, and additionally developed: multimedia projections and shows, a film and graphic designs for the interior of the museum.


District Museum


Torun, Poland


Holographic, Mapping & interactive

Facility Description

The House of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun is an extraordinary museum presenting the character and achievements of the great astronomer. This facility is one of the 8 branches of the District Museum in Torun and today, after a thorough modernization carried out in 2017–2018, it is a place that combines the latest multimedia technologies with history and science. On June 23, 2018, the Museum reopened, and with it an impressive exhibition. A beautiful story was created about the Universe, great breakthroughs and amazing discoveries.

Project Scope

During the project, we’ve made over 30 interactive applications – thematically divided into 3 main visitor’s paths:
1. Nicolaus Copernicus – life and science.
2. Science – astronomy, discoveries.
3. Torun – Hanseatic city.

In addition to interactive presentations for info kiosks, we have also prepared other types of multimedia content:
• Films – explaining how the astronomical instruments: astrolabe, Hevelius compass and equatorial clock operated
• 3D applications and animations – multimedia presenting subjects related to the Solar System. The scope of work also included the integration of mechatronic parts (joysticks integrated in the armchairs) with which the visitors can select animations in one of the exhibits.

• Interactive book – the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel – a stand with a virtual book, where the visitors can turn its pages,
• Information system for the reception – an application displaying current ticket prices and information for visitors (connected to the Content Management System – CMS),
• Mobile application – an application using the beacon mechanism. This allows to present key subjects regarding the exhibit at which the visitor is currently standing. The application also contains basic information about the Museum itself.

• Graphic designs of the interior of the facility – our graphic team has also developed information boards, plates with descriptions of the artefacts and large-format graphics that have been printed / painted on the walls of the museum.
The applications contain content in three language versions: Polish, English and German. The exhibition is also available for people with disabilities – thanks to the use of induction loops.

Technologies We Used

    • Unity 3D interactive applications
    • Magic Wall
    • Electromechanics