Veuve Clicquot Virtual Tour

Project Details

In 2017 we showcased the first collaboration between Brix and Veuve Clicquot, bringing the winery experience to life through virtual reality (VR). Delegates climb into a bicycle and discover the road that is set to define interaction from the access road, through the cave to the house of Veuve Clicquot.


The Louis Vuitton Hennessy Group


France Tour



Facility Description

Veuve Clicquot wanted a solution to bring customers closer to the winery experience.
With virtual reality, customers are totally immersed in a virtual world, allowing them to explore the winery in a highly engaging way.

Project Scope

It was imperative that the experience was streamlined to deliver the core features of a VR experience whilst incorporating Veuve Clicquot final stand design. With the structure of defined, the VR experience had to consider movement with regards to real winery geometry and remain accessible to all users. It was therefore important to consider HMD requirements, as an external tracking system was not appropriate. As a digital studio, Brix was optimized to accommodate Oculus new headset of VR and UE4, maximizing performance with a short turn-around time. This allowed a seamless integration of the VR experience with the booth.

As seated experience, users are guided into the winery. Upon starting the concept, the new 3D dynamic display is triggered, introducing the types of champagne, cave, temperature, components till the production procedures. Users can continue to explore the full environment, inspecting features until they reach the house of Veuve Clicquot, Hotel du Marc.

The Veuve Clicquot VR experience takes inspiration from user reaction to drive new features over time. Such as an approach will deliver multiple ways of understanding different industries, delivering a highly engaging, immersive brand proposition.

Technologies We Used

    • Unreal engine UE4 application
    • Oculus rift